About Us

Since discovering the world of thoughtful, intentional and well-crafted menswear, we’ve always felt a little bit guilty for dragging friends/loved ones throughout different cities around the world so we could visit denim shops. We felt a similar guilt anytime we’d treat ourselves to a new pair of jeans, a flannel, a pair of boots or a new jacket. But then we realized over the years that we were happy exploring different shops around the world. We enjoyed the culture and conversations found in a great store in many parts of the world. We felt pride knowing the clothes we were wearing were of the highest quality, not a garment that is made to serve a temporary purpose only to be disposed of. Also, we felt confident and comfortable when we wore these garments. We want you to feel those same feelings that we have felt over the years. The joy, the happiness, the confidence, the comfort and even some of the guilt.